
KhaelaMensha t1_jd894ut wrote

Uh, so to me this is also great stuff. You don't need a lot of world building. The important stuff is all there. Captain is just brains and eyes, in a jar. Ship is nearly completely organic now. It does leave a lot of room for own interpretation and ideas, which I actually like.

So don't sell yourself short, it doesn't always have to be a fully fleshed out setting. We get the gist of what's going on, and the gist has been produced in a well-worded manner. Again, great stuff!


KhaelaMensha t1_iu9ls5y wrote

Because that's where the seriously big money is. Internet means ads. And besides energy, food, labor, and shelter, transportation is one of the biggest necessities that humanity needs fulfilled to function. So yes. Covering the world in easily accessible high speed internet and inventing a new mode of transportation that cuts out the human factor (saving money again) are some of the biggest markets to make dough in. Also, Tesla's robot is aimed at disrupting the labor economy. Just imagine if tens of millions of people with menial (but too advanced for current "robots") jobs could be replaced by something that costs less than a car.

If you're wondering why big companies do the things they do: it's always money. Yes, Tesla may in fact help in massively reducing greenhouse gas emissions, but it just so happens that it's also profitable AF.