
Kinetic_Strike t1_j1pwrou wrote

Where and when did you get the 11 Pro from? Apple stopped selling them new with the release of the 12 Pro’s, over two years ago, and their refurbs come with a brand new battery. If you bought a used phone how would that be Apple’s responsibility? Alternately it was a brand new 11 Pro, and it could be over three years old. Batteries are consumables. Get it replaced if it needs to be.


Kinetic_Strike t1_j1dfvuj wrote

Generally from an aging battery.

However, it can also be from a seemingly still decent battery in an area with extremely marginal reception.

Source: me out in the boonies


Kinetic_Strike t1_ivw2een wrote

Was one of the elementary kids. We were West Coast though, so we didn't have it on live, I think we were planning to watch the first broadcast from the shuttle they had set up. A handful of us stayed inside for recess, our teacher was turning on the TV to see what was going on. That's when we found out.

Fast forward a decade and half, and I watched the pieces of Columbia falling through the sky from a breakroom at work. Drove home in a daze listening to the news.