
Kitchen_Philosophy29 t1_j4nzdjk wrote

Unfortunately, china already is. Defenses are a lot harder to make than offense

I try to just recognize the side benefits of more money and tech into space.

But also there are a ton of natural resources. There is an insane amount of titanium on the moon. Even if they dropped it through orbit and lost most of it. It would be insanely valuable. More likely they will use it to build. The moon is a pretty outstanding launchpad.


Kitchen_Philosophy29 t1_j4d9gq1 wrote

Reply to comment by [deleted] in The multiverse by Manureofhistory

It is a really good theory because we have no evidence to the contrary.

Also guess what. There are loads of physicists that write fiction. Infact... an INSANE amount.

Gregory Benford (born 1941) Gregory Benford (born 1941) ... Carl Sagan (1934 – 1996) Carl Sagan (1934 – 1996) ... Robert L. ... Poul Anderson (1926 – 2001) ... Sir Fred Hoyle (1915 – 2001) ... C.P. ... Vladimir Nabokov (1899 – 1977)


Kitchen_Philosophy29 t1_j4d8cm1 wrote

Reply to comment by mynameisjiyeon in The multiverse by Manureofhistory

If thats what they are saying... your statement i responded to is wrong.

Which was why i said it

But to be clear. Evidence shows that if there was another universe it would have to follow our physics. Because there are no other instances of anything different.


Kitchen_Philosophy29 t1_j4d7x3p wrote

What could be infinite that doesnt loop? Infinite space is infinite space.

Pi. Contains every number in every organization which also means it repeats

If it goes forever than it is a pattern. A pattern of never ending loops.

Any set in an infinite system repeats or loops


Kitchen_Philosophy29 t1_j4d7emx wrote

Reply to comment by [deleted] in The multiverse by Manureofhistory

That makes no sense at all.

Again entropy. Infinity time doesn't mean infinity mass or energy. Its far more likely it would just become susceptible to heay death like the rest.

Furthermore... if it was truely industructibe in a way that is impossible in nature, no outside sources would be able to influence it. No pressute change, no heat, no cold. It wouldnt get to become a super fluid. It wouldnt subliminate.


Kitchen_Philosophy29 t1_j4d2daa wrote

Reply to comment by [deleted] in The multiverse by Manureofhistory

Infinity could exist and not everything could be possible.

All signs point to the universe of empty space being infinite. We have never had any evidence that the laws of nature change.

Infinite emptiness doesnt mean infinite matter or energy.

Even if there was infinite energy, the infinite nothingness could be larger.

Chaos still wants everything to settle into its lowest energy state. So that infinity besides our visible universe could just be dissociated quarks

We also use infinity in physics. We havent proved infinity but we have used infinity to discover other things.


Kitchen_Philosophy29 t1_j4cnbva wrote

Reply to comment by probenation in The multiverse by Manureofhistory

That would break physics. They couldnt be in one another because e=mc2.

Unless you break physics you couldnt shrink a universe down unless it had no energy and no matter (or differeny physics). Because it was nothingness it would just be part of our universe


Kitchen_Philosophy29 t1_j4cmufr wrote

Reply to comment by SysAdminShow in The multiverse by Manureofhistory

The issue with multiverse is that another universe implies a different set of natural laws.

In order for it to be different at all. Something has to be different. And that means that either somehow universes would effect each other, just be duplicates, or have different physics

Infinity is by definition a never ending loop lol


Kitchen_Philosophy29 t1_j4cmchj wrote

No... we have statistical proof that it is the way it is. We have zero proof it could arise a different way.

So far the laws of nature don't fluctuate.

Given how we understand the way nature works. Our universe and time is the ONLY way for it to turn out; unless we prove other universes.

Furthermore there is no reason to think we couldnt detect other universes. Some speculate that may be the cause of dark matter. Hell it could explain quantum entanglement.


Kitchen_Philosophy29 t1_j4clkde wrote

Reply to comment by Whatmeworry4 in The multiverse by Manureofhistory

Nothing. There is no way for us to know what was befote the big bang as of yet.

So its "the beginning"

Just how they have an age in the universe. That is the age because that is what data told us. When we got ol james up there, we had begger data and the age 'increased'


Kitchen_Philosophy29 t1_j3zweg9 wrote

They can be removed without "punishment". Simply, have them in a seperate ro on the premises and watched by 2 teachers at a time.

They are also at risk of injury.

As long as they arent punished expressly, they can still be treated according to the situation.

Hell the school could act on info of the evidence provided without acknowledging the legal process at all. High schools dont have a judge or jury

Your statement isnt totally accurate and is a process of the legal systems actions and punishments. Not EVERYONE.

Just like how freedom of speech doesnt mean you can say anything
