Kleisidike t1_j2ao67y wrote
Reply to I saw some squirrel's ghost yesterday. by BestRobEver
Awwww! It’s so sweet and pretty 😍! 🤩🥰💚
Kleisidike t1_j1ynv1w wrote
and if I cut off my finger, a new one grows back - what about you Hooman !
Kleisidike t1_iy2x47d wrote
Reply to Little Nene, Me, Coloured Pencils, 2022 by PinxyInx
Albrecht Dürer would be proud !
Kleisidike t1_jbjtd8h wrote
Reply to South Tufa Towers at Mono Lake, [oc] [4608x3456] by thejournaloflosttime
Reminds me of the bonus picture in the Album of Pink Floyd "wish you were here" !!!