
Knowlesdinho t1_jee86wo wrote

I have a great life, and I think the world is a wonderful, but very flawed place. Sometimes those flaws make me occasionally want to live my life vicariously through the eyes of Travis Bickle, Patrick Bateman, and D-Fens. There is nothing wrong with that.


Knowlesdinho t1_jee1a20 wrote

This reminds me of a game we used to play in the pub where you'd have to perform the intro to the superman intro, followed by Star Wars, followed by Indiana Jones, and for whimsy, followed by the A-Team. All had to be done in quick succession or you failed.

After a few beers, it's a little challenging.


Knowlesdinho t1_ja2qqm5 wrote

The thing that bothers me most about some horror movies is the fact the main characters will run, and run fast. It cuts back to the stalker, he's meandering with his axe. Then back to them running. Then back to the stalker who's now stopped for a cig and a scroll through Reddit. Then back to them running and then they stop as 2 options unfold before them, turn left into a dead end and barricade themselves into something wooden, or turn right and run towards clear signs of civilization...yep, they turn left! I'm of course exaggerating slightly, but not by much.


Knowlesdinho t1_j99oapt wrote

On Saturday mornings we used to get up and watch the Saturday morning shows that were for kids, some of these shows went on into the afternoon especially in the 80s.

In fact, Saturday Telly was a big event for all in the 90s in the UK. The Saturday cartoon shows with live action studios would have adult themes running through them with 'wink, wink, nod, nod' bit of blue for the dads jokes running through them.

From 2pm onwards, it was likely you'd be outside playing with your mates, then back in to watch Baywatch, You Bet, Gladiators then bed. Dad's would be glued to the telly for the slow motion boobies, and mums didn't seem to mind because they had the Hoff to stare at.

Now kids get up and it's straight to an online game, content on the internet and everyone in the family is largely doing the same. I'm not critical of this, times change, but that's why you don't have the kids shows of the 90s etc.


Knowlesdinho t1_j6oe68y wrote

I mean movies have always reflected their time and the politics of the time. You only have to watch 5 minutes of a Bond film from the 60s/70s to feel the cold war paranoia. Watch the original Planet of the Apes to feel the nuclear war paranoia.

There was a whole 2 decades of American movies licking the wounds of Vietnam.

If anything, the movies of today are reflecting the mood of society, some in a good way, some maybe in a bad way, just like always.


Knowlesdinho t1_j6m6qec wrote

Watched Running Man the other day, it's full of them and it's great for it.

I think Last Action Hero is the best though because it's a parody of Arnie's movies and he's in on the joke.

I grew a lot of respect for Arnie and Stallone in the 90s as they stuck to their craft but took the pee out of themselves and each other at the same time.