
KoGamer01 t1_iy5xr0r wrote

that double top on SPY is going to bring it down to around 370 by Dec. 12.

When the cpi comes out and the fomc rate hike comes out we will either start a Santa rally or continue to fall down to 340.

The Jpow speech this Wednesday I believe has no real say because the data keeps coming out conflicting.


KoGamer01 t1_iy07ayf wrote

Woah woah woah there bud, I was still on the one where we buy high and sell low. You can’t keep switching it up like this.


KoGamer01 t1_iwrkvlm wrote

You see, oil could go down in the short term and up in a longer timeframe. Buy shares to go long, sell OTM short dated calls to collect the most premium then use the premium to hedge your bet against your long by buying OTM long dated puts.

When oil goes down your shares price goes down you make money on selling the call and also make money on the long dated put.

Then when you think the price has gone down enough you sell the puts netting you a nice profit. Keep the entire premium of the calls you sold. And you can add more shares.

The risks include you have to sell your shares if the calls are exercised but since they’re OTM you still made money. The puts were bought with premium so it was never really your money you lost.

Also don’t come crying to me if you get fucked trading this as its NFA.