Koifish_Coyote t1_je3c2rr wrote
Reply to You ever notice how the brotherhoods who get stuff done...all seem to be the ones who are splinters? by CevicheLemon
I don't know the lore. Which of these are splinter factions?
Koifish_Coyote t1_je2oy94 wrote
Reply to comment by AutoModerator in [EU] Batman encounters his worst fear yet: that Bruce Wayne could have done far more good for the world if he didn't spend his money fighting a clown. by mynameishweuw
Every time I see edgelords like this I feel like Captain Disillusion seeing another green invisibility cloak hoax.
You guys already know the Joker's a murderous clown that's too much for the police. Something like that takes immediate attention.
And before you say something stupid like "then kill the joker," have you ever heard of Joker Gas?
It's a chemical that can make anyone act just like him, and is potent enough to work on Superman. Do you really think the archnemisis of Batman wouldn't have a backup plan? More people die after he's dead than while he's alive.
Back to the post, Bruce DOES donate a bunch to improve things. What do you think "philanthropist" means?
Koifish_Coyote t1_jcndm64 wrote
Reply to comment by AutoModerator in [WP] Everyone knows the hero won't defuse the bomb until the are less than 10 seconds left. That's why I've set it to explode at 20 seconds. by Sh4d0w927
This is exactly why irl bomb defusers hate seeing timers
Koifish_Coyote t1_ja5d7dp wrote
I trust Charles Diapers
Koifish_Coyote t1_j62pqtf wrote
Reply to comment by Earthling1a in It’s a niche instrument by getyerhandoffit
That wasn't a toot
Koifish_Coyote t1_j02zar5 wrote
Reply to comment by Funandgeeky in [EU] The CIA are trying to kill Clark Kent and make it look like an accident. They don't know he's Superman, he's just a really good journalist and is getting too close to some things the government wants to keep secret. by Affectionate_Bit_722
The important difference between your reply and the comment I replied to is that you recognize it happens on both sides.
Koifish_Coyote t1_j02ynuh wrote
Reply to comment by WeirdIndependent1656 in [EU] The CIA are trying to kill Clark Kent and make it look like an accident. They don't know he's Superman, he's just a really good journalist and is getting too close to some things the government wants to keep secret. by Affectionate_Bit_722
Which segment?
Koifish_Coyote t1_j028xmb wrote
Reply to comment by WeirdIndependent1656 in [EU] The CIA are trying to kill Clark Kent and make it look like an accident. They don't know he's Superman, he's just a really good journalist and is getting too close to some things the government wants to keep secret. by Affectionate_Bit_722
Superman, a national hero for decades, painted like that?
Something tells me you're a blueberry that only heard about raspberries.
Koifish_Coyote t1_je8vxsh wrote
Reply to Shipping by Snoo_26799
Irish Wristwatch