
Kom501 t1_j23tmru wrote

You guys are massively overestimating the EU's military/industrial capacity (the cold war ended and the EU cut defense and isn't ready for a war like this) and the impact of the weapons they are holding back like the West has magic weapons. Russia has been firing 100's of missiles every few days from safe within Russia and it has had little impact. Russia is massively bigger and spread out than Ukraine.

The USA is the only one who has enough inventory of long range munitions, and a few hundred fired back at key targets would do little. Ukraine could fire 500 cruise missiles at Moscow and it would kill a few thousand people, be repaired in a few months, and have no effect on the war machine, and no one besides the USA has that many. What magic weapon are we holding back that could win in a month. Wars are not fought like a movie, it is a long march of logistics and maneuvering to just take small objectives.