
Krabban t1_iu2jein wrote

He may be 'leftist' but I have no doubt that he'll be as corrupt as every other Brazilian politician. Still marginally better than Bolsonaro I suppose, although that's not a high bar.


Krabban t1_itnwk9d wrote

>In one 2017 case, Day ordered a lawyer who represented himself in her court jailed for 30 days on a contempt charge after refusing to let him speak to defend himself, as the law required. The law also said Day could only jail him for up to 24 hours.

>Day issued another improper bench warrant in August 2019, this time for the stepmother of a child involved in a visitation case. The woman, a justice of the peace, was arrested without warning at the elementary school where she teaches.

Reading what she did how the fuck can a 6 month suspension be considered enough punishment? And one supreme court judge even thought this was too harsh? She's clearly abusing her powers, flagrantly disregarding the law and then doesn't change her behaviour when told off.

A judge if anyone is supposed to be held to the absolute highest standards. Her actions not only harm the victims but erode the trust in the entire judicial system, which harms society overall. Why is she allowed to remain a judge at all?