
Kristin2349 t1_jdc9wjm wrote

Law Enforcement in PA does not have access to the DOH database of cannabis card holders. The DOH will not share that information with them it is protected info, the only way the cops will know is if you tell them or they see your weed card. I just don’t keep mine anywhere near my license. As for concealed carry, I wouldn’t none of the law around it is settled yet.


Kristin2349 t1_jdc93ae wrote

The PUC mandates that utilities negotiate for their default rate at times that were pre-set by each utility. PPL does so every 6 months, MetEd/First Energy does so quarterly. It is done by closed bid. PPL doesn’t shift customers to suppliers the PUC won’t allow it even when doing so would demonstrably save the consumer money. If you are using PPL as your default supplier you ignored their many warnings last year that rates were set to increase and to lock in a new rate. You can get as low as 9cents per Kwh shopping your rate.


Kristin2349 t1_j6tza6f wrote

They can’t immediately correct the issue because it isn’t a simple billing issue it is a massive IT issue…IT has been outsourced as has CS. So while customers are waiting on hold for hours to talk to someone about their bill when they finally get through they’ll be speaking to someone in Trinidad.