
KyeGen t1_isj9y2b wrote

A disciplined life is a routined life, it's what kids soak up from an early age from their parents and teachers. Self discipline is much more difficult because connections and goals must take over from distractions.


KyeGen t1_irdoao9 wrote

Goodness is always a step behind greatness,it is it's little brother.Greatness is salvation & triumph all rolled up into powerful infectious joy. Where there is joy, there also u will find all conquering Love!🙏


KyeGen t1_ir95ss7 wrote

You always need more protein than carbs to build muscle and for satiation.At least 50g of Carbs must be taken with less than 100g of protein! Not the other way around because as humans we always take more carbs than protein for energy.If u eat more than 200grams of protein every day u will develop uric acid poisoning.A Carb protein balanced breakfast - Example : two slices of toast for breakfast, have only one instead with grass fed butter or a high protein nut nutter, and have a plain 150g of yogurt not a flavored one for the protein.If u don't like yogurt as protein,boil two 50g eggs instead.If u must have ur cereal,or more carbs for energy, eat 50g of bran flakes instead because there's at least 16grams of fiber in every 100g of bran flakes. That way ur also getting ur fiber. For extra protein take about 150g of whole milk with the cereal.U should have plenty protein & fiber there for breakfast while keeping ur carb intake low.Do not have more than 800 calories for breakfast? If ur a coffee drinker, don't drink instant coffee, it's not real coffee? Drink black ground coffee or bullet proof coffee instead for the instant hit, coffee also satiates ur hunger in the morning. But do not drink more than three 250g to 300g cups of coffee a day. It is a powerful addictive drug with more than twice the amount of caffeine than instant coffee. Don't pour in boiling water into ground coffee either,wait just 5mins to cool a little and use only hot water.Otherwise if u pour boiling water straight into ground coffee U will boil all the caffeine & oils out of the coffee and u will make it even more bitter! I hope this helps? 🙏
