
LegitimateStar7034 t1_jcw6syd wrote

I work in Harrisburg and my boyfriend lives in Phoenixville ( I live in Lebanon). I go up the turnpike and it takes me 90 minutes. It takes 90 minutes to go back. That’s without traffic. I do it 1-2 times per week. I’m ok but it’s not every day. The days I do it are very long. I’m not even in Philly but a suburb 30 minutes out. I also work on the side which is close to the turnpike. Going into the city will add at least another 15-20 mins. 83 is a bitch on good days and if there’s an accident, it’s worse.

If you need to do this for the job, I’d look into staying in a hotel/motel close by during the week.

That commute will get old real quick and the gas and tolls will get expensive.


LegitimateStar7034 t1_j846m0y wrote

Take your family to Knobels Grove.
Free admission, free parking you can bring snacks, although the food is reasonable and you can pay per ride with tickets that never expire or get a ride band. They also have a wonderful spring fed pool.


DO NOT waste the the money taking an infant and 4 year old to HP. You’ll be paying almost $200 to get in even if the kids are free. To do what? You won’t be able to ride rides together.
Save HP for when the kids are older.


LegitimateStar7034 t1_j846gc1 wrote

Take your family to Knobels Grove.
Free admission, free parking you can bring snacks, although the food is reasonable and you can pay per ride with tickets that never expire or get a ride band. They also have a wonderful spring fed pool.

DO NOT waste the the money taking an infant and 4 year old to HP. You’ll be paying almost $200 to get in even if the kids are free. To do what? You won’t be able to ride rides together.
Save HP for when the kids are older.


LegitimateStar7034 t1_j846ek0 wrote

Take your family to Knobels Grove.
Free admission, free parking you can bring snacks, although the food is reasonable and you can pay per ride with tickets that never expire or get a ride band. They also have a wonderful spring fed pool.

DO NOT waste the the money taking an infant and 4 year old to HP. You’ll be paying almost $200 to get in even if the kids are free. To do what? You won’t be able to ride rides together.
Save HP for when the kids are older.


LegitimateStar7034 t1_j846dts wrote

Take your family to Knobels Grove.
Free admission, free parking you can bring snacks, although the food is reasonable and you can pay per ride with tickets that never expire or get a ride band. They also have a wonderful spring fed pool.

DO NOT waste the the money taking an infant and 4 year old to HP. You’ll be paying almost $200 to get in even if the kids are free. To do what? You won’t be able to ride rides together.
Save HP for when the kids are older.


LegitimateStar7034 t1_j846d5m wrote

Take your family to Knobels Grove.
Free admission, free parking you can bring snacks, although the food is reasonable and you can pay per ride with tickets that never expire or get a ride band. They also have a wonderful spring fed pool.

DO NOT waste the the money taking an infant and 4 year old to HP. You’ll be paying almost $200 to get in even if the kids are free. To do what? You won’t be able to ride rides together.
Save HP for when the kids are older.


LegitimateStar7034 t1_j6dpmb3 wrote

Or a clinic. They have one in my town. You pay on a sliding scale based of your income. They are also super kind.

Go to your local assistance office for the paperwork. You can also fill out the application online. Apply for everything , food stamps, MA, cash. You may only get MA but it doesn’t hurt to try. You’ll need paystubs with your application.

Also, apply for WIC. All pregnant women and children under 5 qualify. You get healthy food for you and then baby. Your baby will be covered under MA/Chip after he/she is born depending on your income. You’ll be covered 6 weeks after the birth unless you reapply. You may pay a small amount but MA is good insurance. Covers everything, medical, dental, eye care. Glasses. Therapy. MA also will buy you a breast pump if you nurse.

I had MA as a young mom and I had to get my kids back on it after my husband died and his company canceled the insurance. PA covers everyone under 18 without insurance. I paid $100 a month for both my kids but that was based on income. You could pay less or nothing.

I’m glad to live in state that covers moms and children. I gladly pay taxes for that. MA was a blessing to me as a working parent who couldn’t afford insurance.
