
t1_ivoac7c wrote

Short answer: Trump


Long answer: I was raised in a conservative(ish) household, so naturally aligned myself with the GOP when I could legally vote. This was back in 2016. Then I saw what kind of candidate the GOP was ready to throw in the WH: A "successful businessman" with 6 bankruptcies, a "man of faith" having publicly cheated and denigrated woman left and right. A man of "law and order" with a questionable (to say the least) background.

Then you follow the news and for all of the problems we have in this country, the GOP is all about "freedom" and "small government, lower taxes". Nothing else, no solutions. This is before the rightmost wing dabbled in christian nationalism, which I can't believe we have to keep repeating: keep your faith to yourself, let me have mine.

I'm all about "to each their own" and by no means consider myself a hardcore democrat. But you can't convince me that the country is going to hell and the likes of Trump, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Ted Cruz, Dr. Oz and my god, Diehl in MA is the solution. Friend, the GOP needs better candidates.