
Leothecat24 t1_j6n30xf wrote

Not that it’s ever gonna happen, but at school I’m in a studio class, and we’re working on a student planning project in the area around Cathedral Square for school, and the city head engineer and head landscape architect are both interested in our projects. My plan is to bury 95 as well (as well as do a bunch of stuff on top but I haven’t gotten that far yet)

ETA: my professor has also mentioned something about a federal bill named the $1 trillion Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, designed at making our cities rely less on highways. So perhaps that could be a way forward


Leothecat24 t1_ita4ys2 wrote

They now teach the 1 second rule and I think that’s reasonable if you’re paying attention to the road at all. Unless the car in front of you hits a solid wall or is in a head-on collision (both of which you should be aware enough to see coming) it’s not going to stop in it’s tracks, it will take a good distance to slow down as will your car
