
LickLickNibbleSuck t1_j3ruqyf wrote

George Carlin said, "Inside every cynical person, there is a disappointed idealist."


So I mean, I get it. I just didn't expect so much of it in this particular sub. And no hate to anyone who thinks this world is shit. I haven't lived their life and can't fault them for their outlook on these things.


LickLickNibbleSuck t1_j3ru0uc wrote

I had a big ass thing typed out on my phone, got distracted and closed the app and won't type it all out again.

The gist was, "People should try not to take everything as a literal meaning. Figuratively speaking, my mountain has been weight loss. Since end of Nov. '19, I left society behind and chose a life of WFH lock-down. I gained 50 lbs in two years eating trash foods. Lost 35 of it. Gained 20 back from getting sick after a surgery. Falling down this mountain (which the image does not depict anyway) would represent that 20 lb setback."


TLDR: Ppl should try not to take everything so literal. Figurative expressions exist. Setbacks happen, and it's okay.