LilyMeadow91 t1_iw6ktep wrote
Reply to comment by ObscureCulturalMeme in How do medical researchers obtain lab animals with diseases like specific forms of cancer which arise spontaneously? Do they raise thousands of apes and hope some eventually develop the disease? by userbrn1
This is actually a quite good comparison, even if it was meant sarcastically 😅
Sourdough starters are just bacterial cell cultures, and concepts for cancer cell culture are the same: you give them jar to live in, the right temperature and appropriate food 😅
LilyMeadow91 t1_jabl113 wrote
Reply to LPT: We are heading into “Moving Season”, liquor and wine stores have a TON of boxes. by HeRoSanS
Adding to the list: retirement homes. If you ask someone, they will gladly keep aside the boxes of adult diapers. Some brands even have handles in their boxes! We moved half our stuff in these boxes 😅