
Logan_No_Fingers t1_iy93i42 wrote

Have you seen the people going to Disney world lately?

In addition, a massive part of Chapeck getting axed was he put the prices up in parks, alienating parks core audience.

IE the CEO literally just got fired to a very large degree, because he had made parks too expensive for the people who go to parks. And the first thing Iger singled coming in was he would halt that.


Logan_No_Fingers t1_iy8ygvg wrote

> More people in the US use iphones than android. It doesn't take a "scientist" to figure out it's a popular device that is owned by people in many economic classes in the US.

Part of that was right, IOS has roughly 55% of the market.

Where you then veer off into made-up bullshit is when you decide that the economic spread is the same.

I mean GM has a 15% market share in the US, Audi a 7% market share. The average income of their owners are probably the same right?


Logan_No_Fingers t1_iy8rm0h wrote

Well that's scientific. And a complete bullshittery of what I wrote

Here you go -


"Apple’s customers tend to be more affluent than those on competing platforms. I’ve seen claims that the mean income of a US Android owner is $69,647, while iPhone user’s make $88,256.

In addition to that, 35% of Apple’s iOS owners have household incomes over $100,000 per year. An iPhone user is also three times more likely than an Android owner to have a total household income over $300,000/annum."

Average Disney park users have a $75k income.


"People who earn less than $75,000 are most eager to visit Disney, according to an Insider poll.

Those with yearly incomes over $150,000 were the least interested in taking a Disney vacation."


Logan_No_Fingers t1_iy8fq8y wrote

Zero overlap with apples actual target audience.

Park audience - lower & middle class. Apple target market - upper level earners with huge disposable income.

To monetise parks Apple would either need to convince those least likely to go to a park, to go, or convince those actually going to.. earn more & buy iPhones.

That makes zero sense. Apples target audience would be people who have a lot of cash & piss it away on stuff - like when they bought Beats, or Primephonic. Not mass market stuff targeted by the middle & lower earners.

Think of it like - would they buy Lululemon or Old Navy? Which has overlap?


Logan_No_Fingers t1_iy8ec66 wrote

Apple is a premium brand.

Its Apple - expensive v Android at free.

Disneyland parks core audience is middle & lower middle earners -


IE very few of Apples core target market want to go to Disneyland

The parks are not "high end" influencer. They are garbage people 2000 follower, side line in onlyfans influencers. People earning $50-75k with 7 side hustles, a Robinhood & FTX account.

Apple is not chasing that market.
