LoubyAnnoyed t1_j2ddds5 wrote
Reply to comment by Scuka1 in Eli5: How do cities dig out of massive amounts of snow? by OutrageousAd6177
On this, where does that snow go? I’m trying to imagine shoveling snow in somewhere like Brooklyn. What space are you moving that snow to?
LoubyAnnoyed t1_j2ddt3x wrote
Reply to ELI5: What happens with an education system that makes people Capitalize Every Word In The Sentence? Is that some kind of an oversight, or it's just typical for people who speak English as their L2? by shejesa
I used to work in publishing and this is called “title case” and it is usually only the main words with an upper case first letter only. The Princess and the Pea, for example. It increases readability and indicates that the phrase it a title.