MALECHIMPI t1_jblysfh wrote

I was jumped by a group of guys outside of my school once in a completely unprovoked attack. Broke my nose and blood was everywhere.

Decided to press charges against the main guy and he fabricated this ridiculous story that I had been calling him racial slurs like "nipper" which is a term for Japanese people and I'd never even heard it before.

His family was so proud of him for standing up for their ethnicity in the face of racism.

I always like to think that Karma takes care of these guys one day.


MALECHIMPI t1_j0pge1w wrote

I'm going with unlikely. I have a rare liver disease called PSC and take Ursodiol daily in borderline unsafe, high doses greater than what 99.9999% of the world would take. I have had covid and it was quite serious.

The effect of UDCA likely has nothing to do with Covid severity as it simply acts as a bile thinner.