
Macca49 t1_jdsfap8 wrote

Tarzan found Jane in the jungle, naked after her clothes were torn off by thorns. They looked at each other for a moment.

‘What is your name?’asked Jane


‘That’s it?’

Tarzan though for a moment then…

‘Tarzan Of The Jungle.’

Jane nodded. Tarzan then asked…

‘What your name?’


Tarzan mused on this. Looked her up and down.

‘What whole name?’



Macca49 t1_j6m31wa wrote

That was a few months later in March 1974 prolly when they discovered the joys of endless Brandy Alexanders. John supposedly found a pad in the toilet, whacked it on his forehead and it stuck there. He said to a waitress, ‘Do you know who I am?’ She replied, ‘Yeah, an arsehole with a Kotex on his head!’ Lol