MadRonnie97 t1_j5m5gqc wrote
Reply to comment by karl4319 in France protests: man lost testicle after clashes with police – lawyer | France by Bynoeson94
This is the way (unfortunately)
MadRonnie97 t1_j5k9zni wrote
Reply to comment by bn1979 in France protests: man lost testicle after clashes with police – lawyer | France by Bynoeson94
I guess no one really has the stomach to push it “past that point” which I don’t blame anyone for. If anything the protestors showed significantly more restraint than anyone else.
MadRonnie97 t1_j5k48v8 wrote
Reply to comment by isawagoose in France protests: man lost testicle after clashes with police – lawyer | France by Bynoeson94
The US government doesn’t have nearly enough restraint once it turns non-peaceful though. During the George Floyd Protests they riddled both rioters and peaceful protesters alike with rubber bullets and teargas canisters. I saw more than one video of a person with a rubber bullet lodged in their skull. It’s actually amazing that so few people were killed (19 in total) during the violence.
MadRonnie97 t1_ixct9ny wrote
They had some serious style
MadRonnie97 t1_j9on28l wrote
Reply to comment by WaketheDeadDonuts in My controversial relative, Pancho Villa (Doroteo Arango) - Mexico 1916 by scoundrel1680
“Pancho needs your prayers it’s true, but save a few for Lefty too
He only did what he had to do”