MagicCuboid t1_jc3jyu7 wrote
Reply to comment by Cameron_james in Dave Epstein's (@growingwisdom) Snow Forecast - he tends to be one of the more realistic forecasters. He's less about the drama and more about the science. by Lurchie_
lol seriously. He has a good reputation and probably doesn't want to be caught saying something ill-informed, so having to report on something he's not qualified to talk about must be frustrating. I'm sure he's better than a teleprompter, but still
MagicCuboid t1_iyek81b wrote
Reply to comment by HurdieBirdie in Fuck the Royal Family. by CrimeCoder
I do wish we had at least a ceremonial tea dumping. For old time's sake!
MagicCuboid t1_ixi5uvl wrote
Reply to comment by RortyIsDank in 74 Year Old Guy Just Called Me A Wiseguy and Threatened to Kick My Ass by SkinnyJoshPeck
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I find the European cities are much more segregated by wealth, so the urban cores are typically just full of the wealthy and the tourists. In the Northeast, it's still segregated but it's more like block by block, so the "melting pot" feel is still kind of present
MagicCuboid t1_ixg91qj wrote
Reply to comment by RortyIsDank in 74 Year Old Guy Just Called Me A Wiseguy and Threatened to Kick My Ass by SkinnyJoshPeck
Yeah I think it's just a matter of volume. NYC is so big, you can find a character on every block easy, and someone is probably willing to chat. I was amazed after a week in Brooklyn at how many strangers I chatted with.
MagicCuboid t1_ixg8rzc wrote
Old Boston: "What are you some kinda wiseguy?"
Young Boston: "I would like to take this moment to categorically deny any and all wiseguy accusations. I carry two post-graduate degrees, but I am not, nor have I ever associated with, a wiseguy. Please, let us continue this conversation over a glass of-"
Old Boston: "Alright wiseguy I'm gonna kick your ass!"
MagicCuboid t1_iw2q73z wrote
Reply to comment by artaccforbjarne in Discovery of bronzes rewrites Italy’s Etruscan-Roman history by VoloNoscere
When you're dealing with ancient history Historians work with what they have. Short of anyone claiming the contrary this still means Rome as host to shared sporting/religious events has always been the prevailing narrative. The work archaeologists do is really astounding sometimes, but it requires the context provided by writers like Livy to derive meaning. I'm thankful we found these statues though, as confirming something that was until now merely a possibility is a great win
MagicCuboid t1_ivma10q wrote
Reply to comment by Fatshortstack in Discovery of bronzes rewrites Italy’s Etruscan-Roman history by VoloNoscere
It was, Livy wrote about it 2000 years ago lol
MagicCuboid t1_ivm9vnw wrote
Reply to comment by loups in Discovery of bronzes rewrites Italy’s Etruscan-Roman history by VoloNoscere
Livy already mentions this when he describes how Romans would invite Etruscan leaders to visit Rome... I don't know, I don't think these statues revolutionize much
MagicCuboid t1_jc3k4p2 wrote
Reply to comment by MazW in Dave Epstein's (@growingwisdom) Snow Forecast - he tends to be one of the more realistic forecasters. He's less about the drama and more about the science. by Lurchie_
Yeah, I think that's what that means