Magmaster12 t1_jc86bzh wrote
Anything to justify Canada being in the tournament.
Magmaster12 t1_iy93xkp wrote
Simpsons did it.
Magmaster12 t1_ixjw81n wrote
At this point we could end up with rolling blackouts like certain third world nations.
Magmaster12 t1_iut9cpu wrote
Reply to comment by YorockPaperScissors in Synder hires BOA to manage sale of Commanders by MSteele1967
The worst part is that isn't even the worst owner in all sports or even franchise history.
Magmaster12 t1_iu75nrk wrote
Reply to comment by Commercial_Soft6833 in Poland picks U.S. offer for its first nuclear power plant -PM by SunfireGaren
This was the first question I asked when brought in my high school chemistry class a decade ago. Apparently there is too high of risk for a dirty bomb going off.
Magmaster12 t1_iu72ia6 wrote
Reply to comment by EphraimJenkins in Poland picks U.S. offer for its first nuclear power plant -PM by SunfireGaren
We have a big issue about where to store nuclear waste, getting it transported to the Nevada dessert incredibly expensive.
Magmaster12 t1_iqty32p wrote
Reply to comment by missvicky1025 in Connecticut's last SEARS closed in early 2021 - Manchester CT by ILovePublicLibraries
If only the rest of Connecticut was as vigorous as Danbury.
Magmaster12 t1_iqsuidv wrote
Didn't they just renovate the one Danbury, what a waste of money?
Magmaster12 t1_jd9v98v wrote
Reply to comment by essaitchthrowaway3 in Enfield Whole Donut - Last one standing. by TurboGLH
The company doesn't even have an official website they're a prime example of being stuck in the past.