
t1_iv8urys wrote

Brewers and Mets accused the Dodgers of sign stealing in 2018. A few former players have stepped out and stated they were participating in sign stealing as well.

Red Sox had the mastermind behind the 2017 sign stealing as their coach in 2018. Pretty obvious evidence for them.

The MLB admitted they had proof of the Yankees cheating when they sent them a strongly worded letter saying you did a bad thing.

Literally pulled from an ESPN article... "A years-old letter sent by Major League Baseball to the New York Yankees and obtained by ESPN on Tuesday details illicit use of technology during the 2015 and '16 seasons that was relatively benign within the context of the sign-stealing scandals that occurred around the game at the same time."


t1_iv8sedi wrote

Astros were caught and punished for stealing signs electronically. Almost every team in the MLB was participating in sign stealing of some kind during the same time frame. It’s like the steroid scandal where basically everyone was cheating but a few people were punished.

The biggest money makers in baseball are the Yankees, Dodgers, and Red Sox. Even though the MLB had evidence all 3 teams were cheating none were punished. Embarrassingly the MLB sent the Yankees a strongly worded letter as “punishment”. The MLB couldn’t tarnish their already dwindling reputation by damaging the reputation of the teams that make them the most money.