
MannyGrey t1_it50108 wrote

Damn, those guitars sound so clean. I like how the drums are placed in the stereo. Not everyone likes that style but i'm a fan of that wide style. My only gripe would actually be with the master. I think the saturation could have been brought up as well as a little extra gain on the whole thing. The song has a nice feel good vibe to it i really enjoyed. I'd be happy to take a crack at remastering it for you for no charge if you'd like.

I produce hip-hop, so if you're into that, here's me taking my power back from a harsh life.


MannyGrey t1_it4ziuw wrote

Is this you? I liked the main piano. I liked how it had, imo, the right amount of reverb on it. One thing that bothered me was that the rap drums in the intro aren't that strong and actually betray the level of skill that shows up later. When the guitars start ripping and the live drums take over its a much different song. For the intro drum's i'd suggest a different snare and maybe some effects on the drums in that pattern as a whole to help them feel like their building towards the guitar and live drums. Nice job on the rock parts though for sure. Keep at it dude! (If this is you lol)

I produce hip-hop too, so if you get a sec, here's me taking my power back from a harsh life.


MannyGrey t1_it4zeko wrote

Congratz on your new release. I like how it seemed like it had some folk influences in there as well. From a writing standpoint everything is solid. I'd say the thing that detracts from this is the mixing. Particularly when the electric guitar rips it's solo, i found it pretty quiet. I also think the lower mids on the vocals could have been trimmed down in the EQ to make it clearer. Cool lyrics. Nice job ya'll.

I produce hip-hop, so if you're into that, here's me taking my power back from a harsh life.


MannyGrey t1_it4vvpj wrote

I liked the opening mysterious tone around the melodies, almost like a documentary about space. The pianos later reminded me of parasite eve. With the mixing though, I did think that the hi-hats where a little loud. I'd also suggest adding some reverb (not delay) to some of your percussion to help it blend. My last suggestion would be to use a compressor on the pianos to shave off some of that little extra to get a nice cohesive blend. Cool stuff man. Keep creating!

I produce hip-hop, so if you get a sec, here's me taking my power back from a harsh life.


MannyGrey t1_it4shyt wrote

I'm glad you're happy with the song. From a composition standpoint, i suggest working with instrumentals that are a little calmer. It helps for simpler chords to be played so that listener can focus in on your lyrics more without competing with the pianos. And for your flow, i'd suggest taking some words out so you can fit into the pockets of the rhythm more. I understand you have a message, but it actually loses it's impact if you try to word cram. Its good that you're trying to rap with some meaning though. Keep at it dude.

I produce hip-hop too, so if you get a sec, here's me taking my power back from a harsh life.


MannyGrey t1_it4ruei wrote

Pretty sick. I liked how how you played with the stereo by panning certain sounds from left to right. A nice mix. I went ahead and played some sounds of light rain in the background which for me enhanced the experience alot. I wish i had some decent headphones to really immerse myself. Nice stuff dude, i gave it a like on spotify.

I make hip-hop, so if you're into that, here's me taking my power back from a harsh life.


MannyGrey t1_it4htfe wrote

A very nice soundscape. Good texture throughout. Felt like paper in some places, like vinyl in others. I could definitely see you doing commercials for major tech company reveals. The mixing is perfect, i didn't even think about it. Really nice job dude. You're really skilled.

I make hip-hop, so if you're into that, here's me taking my power back from a harsh past.


MannyGrey t1_it4d7w8 wrote

Was not expecting for the song to hit right away. That was a pleasant surprise. Idk who is on what instrument but everyone is killing their role! The vocals are sung well and the guitars know their role. My only gripe from a mixing standpoint was i felt like the lower mid EQ for the vocalist could have been brought down a little bit to give it more radiance and stand out from the mids of the other instruments. But this is a minor gripe. I think you guys did an awesome job, i enjoyed it. You must rock live. Wishing you the best of luck in your careers!

I make hip-hop, so if you're into that, here's me taking my power back from a hard life.