
March_Latter t1_jacc5s9 wrote

Reply to comment by LasagnahogXRP in Documentation Fee by T-Hussle

I look online. It isn't hard as many people have gone to the dealership and been lowballed on their car. Many people can't make their payments on these higher end cars so when you show up willing to buy the car for trade in value they are thankful to see you.


March_Latter t1_jacby6g wrote

I am down two, and I can tell you rehabs and clinics are just a business supported by fools who think the addict will get better. Sometimes they will, but you obviously know in most cases its just delaying the inevitable. What they turn into is dirty needle handouts with needles littering every corner of the state and to operate without approval just shows their arrogance. Its long past time we got the weak enablers out of the way and got serious about stopping the flow of drugs in this country.


March_Latter t1_ja9fqih wrote

I would not pay it...This means I don't go shopping at dealers as too many people think its just a fee instead of what it is, added profit. I have been out of dealerships for a while now and oddly financially I do a lot better on cars. I save about 4k a purchase on a used car, and I sell them about 18 month later losing no more than an extra 2K. And I drive a Mercedes and a BMW.


March_Latter t1_ja9eow3 wrote

Its an extreme overreach. You can't claim Covid and do whatever you want, thats not what the Heroes act intended and clearly overreaches its intent and possible uses. Its not a law, its bullshitting the American public in hopes they will let it go. Sorry but no you can not do that. If a Republican had been in power and decided to completely change the tax code favoring middle class Americans you would be screaming about it.


March_Latter t1_ja99xak wrote

Still has to listen to the health officials for various reasons. Are they sanitary? Are they giving out methadone properly? Are they performing the worst idea since we started helping addicts and handing them 10 needles for one used one? If nobody is in charge we get a free for all, and that is not useful to anyone.


March_Latter t1_j95pyl2 wrote

Think about the money solar companies spend trying to get you to buy. Look at those salesman, how much money has to be there to go door to door as a professional. The solar companies make a massive margin off your choices and really if you spend just a little time the incentives to buy solar panels are pretty good. You can buy all the equipment yourself, have real professionals install it so it looks like it belongs and as long as you don't go insane with sizing get a reasonable return on your investment. Remember there is no "solar install" license in Massachusetts. You need an electrician and a contractor, just like the solar company would hire.


March_Latter t1_j773w49 wrote

Short history, Company comes to buy RI from Nat grid. Process to take about a year. Questions come up over who is overseeing the sale for the state. Its decided that the PUC would double check to make sure RI interests are represented. One year in all boxes have been checked, all public hearings have been held. In the afternoon of the last day when the deal was to close at end of business the RI attorney general files suit stopping the deal untit he gets his say. Cost to Nat Grid and PPL....Millions.


March_Latter t1_j76s4li wrote

I agree and have been watching it for years. These kids are shockingly stupid and can't even see the outcomes of their own statements. The news panders to them with articles like this also because it only takes five more minutes of investigation to look to see the court cases on this property. Evil squatter robbing property owner isn't a story todays young adults understand.


March_Latter t1_j76r6fj wrote

You are correct. I would never do it again and the few people who do are beaten not only by the states laws that prevent them from maintaining their property but by todays youth who somehow believe landlords are some special class of evil. I want to say I made 4% on the money I got from rents. I would make more money delivering newspapers than renting out to what has got to be the stupidest, most entitled, generation this country has ever produced. 20 hours a week for no money just isn't worth the bother to rent to these people.


March_Latter t1_j71oliz wrote

Um no...Maybe they would be here with a better attitude and performance if the attorney general hadn't waited a year to screw them on the day the company was closing the deal. Guess they didn't know about the RI kickback system? Oh well, live with what you voted in folks.


March_Latter t1_j71klps wrote

My wife went through this a few years back and its unbelievable. The test used to be administered by professionals but now we have a bunch of idiots on a power trip saying amusing things like: "I have failed every applicant today" "Don't use your mirrors, that's not allowed" "Turn around and look out the back window. Can't see over the seat? Sorry you fail."

Ten years ago we had probably the best registry in the country. No wait times, and a minimum of stupidity. It shows that we are always one political appointee away from ruining what took years to create.