MattMurdock30 t1_jdwsuml wrote
Reply to Story time: About my son and his love of reading...Should be mad but proud instead. Thank you for your time. by DuxBellorumUthred
I am completely blind. I often in school had "silent reading" books because it was part of the requirements. So I would have my regular Braille textbook on the desk and my silent reading Braille novel inside the desk and sneak my fingers to read inside the desk for the novel when I was supposed to be working.
MattMurdock30 t1_jab94as wrote
Reply to Reading Aloud by juicy_scooby
I love to read aloud. I think it's mostly because my parents did that a lot with me partly because I am blind and at the time had less access to books there was a statistic that said that only 5% of books were available in 2000 but I am sure thanks to Ebooks that statistic has changed.
I had a relationship where I read my good friend Braille books over skype since she lost her sight at 18 and could not read Braille so we listened to Audible and I read her like 10 novels.
I would love to have a similar relationship where I read you books and you read me books. Hit me up?!?!
MattMurdock30 t1_ja9n3qe wrote
Some books do not pair well with audio books. Some narrators are inferior to others, because everyone is human with our own unique styles. Also, the subjects of the books may not have drawn your attention as much as other subjects would. If I were you I would research on Google for the highest rated narrators and try some of their work and see whether your listening experience changes. just a thought?
MattMurdock30 t1_j6l4vk3 wrote
Reply to Dad Dash- an app where you get delivery from the hardware store, auto parts store, and also have service where they will come teach you how to tie a tie or whatever. Like Uber but not that. by [deleted]
I fully invest in this app. Everybody can use a dad type figure. My parents divorced when i was 18 and my dad died just this past August and so much i feel i miss learning from him.
MattMurdock30 t1_j6a6jv0 wrote
Reply to Seeking passage to use for Eulogy from Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. by cavillchallenger
Hello, I feel your pain. My dad died just this past August. We had a quiet grave side memorial for him but I still miss him every day. At 13 he read me the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy and by the end these 18 years later I probably knew it and was a bigger dork for it than he was.
In the Restaurant at the End of the Universe we have the Ruler of the Universe. He turns out to be an old man who just wants to be left alone with his cat and is not sure if anything actually exists, but he is the most peaceful character.
I hope whatever passage you read gives you peace and if you want to talk then stick this fish in your ear and send me a message. Life is complicated. Grieving is difficult.
MattMurdock30 t1_j1kryz4 wrote
Hey, so I quite like Robert Rankin's absurdism. My favourite thing about Rankin is that he narrates all his own works. This is probably my favourite novel of his but I haven't read many. I quite like the Cornelius Murphy trilogy. The one about music DaDeDaDeDa Code was quite a ride!
MattMurdock30 t1_iud4mn6 wrote
Reply to Books that you decided to read and/or buy because it influenced the writer/book you read previously.. by Prestigious-Dog-1090
I decided to check out P.G. Wodehouse because Douglas Adams wrote an essay about him. They are very different genres but both involve absurd situations and humour I say that PG. Wodehouse is a literary sitcom whereas Douglas Adams is among the first to spoof science fiction.
MattMurdock30 t1_iud467b wrote
Reply to Why can I never read properly? by SomeoneOnTheMun
Have you tried reading aloud to yourself? I do this sometimes for fun and it usually helps me stay focussed on which line I am on. I read in Braille.
MattMurdock30 t1_iu2gwis wrote
Reply to How do you guys read books? by HalboAngel
I usually have a voice in my mind. I sometimes like to read aloud to get a better sense of the book. In my mind the book is more of a play than a movie just because I can't see and so it's more based on the audio than any pictures I imagine.
MattMurdock30 t1_ituutb8 wrote
parent of the year right here. I have like a thousand memories of my parents reading aloud to me, especially the Chronicles of Narnia, and the Little House on the Prairie series. Keep reading to her, it's a special bond. When she reads the Hobbit herself she will hear it in your voice.
MattMurdock30 t1_jdxy628 wrote
Reply to comment by DuxBellorumUthred in Story time: About my son and his love of reading...Should be mad but proud instead. Thank you for your time. by DuxBellorumUthred
oh cool!!