
MaveeL t1_j6pivgd wrote

Would you consider an introverted & weird person a friend? I was both the weird kid & the quiet kid in school & I didn’t really grow out of that, the weirdness just sort of evolved. I’m schizophrenic so it’s not unbelievable that I’m weird but I’m usually quiet unless I’m completely comfortable with who I’m around. I may be antisocial (my abusive mother kept me isolated as much as she could) but I do want friends. Unfortunately social interaction is mentally & emotionally draining for me. I’m terrible at picking up on social cues nor do I understand them. I’m basically a lost cause so I don’t try to make friends because I wouldn’t want to waste their time. The fact that I have a wife (same sex couple) is shocking. I don’t know what she sees in me.


MaveeL t1_j6n2wht wrote

I’m also against religion being mixed into politics. I support women’s reproductive rights too. (I’m a woman) I do enjoy indulging myself in things I enjoy but I take care of my kids & help my wife with stuff first whenever she needs help with something. My wife is the one who works while I stay at home with the kids. Unfortunately I suffer from schizophrenia, severe depression, a severe anxiety disorder & PTSD. I had a horrifically abusive Bible beating mother growing up. Tbh, I’ve attempted suicide 9 times in my life. I’ve been leaning more towards joining the TST but I’m not sure if they’ll accept me since I’m mentally ill.


MaveeL t1_j6izf5x wrote

I’m schizophrenic & my hallucinations are far worse than this. Funny meme. I just wish my hallucinations were this cool. Id take wizards over nightmare fuel if I had the choice. Not offended. Actually gonna save this meme to my phone.