
McBoom0 t1_iy2x3l1 wrote

OP followed your emotion too much. Moving forward work to trust your brain. No one is worth it. My ex of 4 years went behind me. Cheated me with someone twice. First one I followed your road. Love and commitment above to salvage. She said she won't do again blah blah fucking blah.

Second time I'd say yea fuck it. She did come back say she feel bad for what she did.

This is when I harden myself up. Nothing is worth youre talk health. Nothing is worth more than your happiness. Be a scumbag if you think being nice guy doesn't make you love your life to the fullest. Always know you're good from inside but you don't have to act how you feel. Put a douchebag mask on if needed. You need to be strong for yourself.