Mcflymarty447 t1_jd0huh8 wrote
Would this broaden the use of lasers in surgical applications?
Mcflymarty447 t1_j52msl2 wrote
Reply to Researchers successfully print an onject under skin using sound waves - a first step toward reducing the need for open surgery. by symmetry_seeking
Im still waiting for a ”minimally invasive” surgery that would apply to bone
Mcflymarty447 t1_j4tspn1 wrote
Could this, eventually ,be used to operate on and correct bone malunions rather than the primitive, slice and dice orthopedics that we have now?
Mcflymarty447 t1_ixdab0i wrote
Reply to comment by Test19s in ‘Without enough Latvians, we won’t be Latvia’: eastern Europe’s shrinking population | Latvia’s population is 30% smaller than it was in 1990 and by 2050 numbers will be in decline in over half of Europe’s 52 countries. by mossadnik
Post -Roe Texas is even worse than having a breeding program. At least the people in George Orwell’s 1984 believed in medicine.
Mcflymarty447 t1_ix673tt wrote
What are some of the medical implications of this? Would it improve surgery/ cancer detection?
Mcflymarty447 t1_je5vkpk wrote
Reply to Dude, Where’s My Future? by [deleted]
May I suggest the book “where’s my flying car” by J. Stores Hall ?