MediumBeam t1_jdqihsy wrote
Reply to comment by LoCaL_dRuNkArD in What's up with spoiler culture?? by LoCaL_dRuNkArD
It is different though lmao. In the past year I finally played Skyrim, Fallout 4, Fallout NV, Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands, as well as watched Game of Thrones as well as Prison Break. And guess what, I had never been spoiled about anything in these games/tv shows. It’s on you to avoid spoilers, if you expect the world to cater to your needs, then you got a lot of growing up to do bud
MediumBeam t1_je4qt5i wrote
Reply to comment by LoCaL_dRuNkArD in What's up with spoiler culture?? by LoCaL_dRuNkArD
Grow up BUD, spoilers happen you just need to get over yourself