MembershipFew989 t1_iua28ce wrote
Reply to eli5: What are freemasons and why are there so many conspiracies about them? by SovietCyka756
Popular take - nefarious and intimidating illuminati-esque organisation hell bent on world domination.
My experience - a bunch of 60-something businessmen trying to leverage social connections to further themselves through showing some calf ( to prove they're not women), and discussing their prostate problems... I don't think that is related to proving they're not women. I've never met a freemason I considered to be the least bit intimidating.
Basically a more formalised old boys network for those who didn't go to the right school.
MembershipFew989 t1_iuamqof wrote
Reply to Eli5 why do pregnancy testers not have a yes or no indication on the screen instead of the symbols and then matching them? by googleimages69420
After 2 years of COVID does anyone really struggle to read a 2 line LFT test?