MickeyMouseRapedMe OP t1_je66bho wrote
Reply to [NSFW] Never look from there to see where it was again, just feel around by MickeyMouseRapedMe
NSFW cause Americans are sensitive. Even more today. Might be on their period.
Submitted by MickeyMouseRapedMe t3_125w4kn in memes
MickeyMouseRapedMe t1_jbuanf8 wrote
MickeyMouseRapedMe t1_jbttwwo wrote
Reply to comment by PressQWER in PsBattle: cardboard security guard cutout by OMGLMAOWTF_com
MickeyMouseRapedMe t1_jbtk9nj wrote
MickeyMouseRapedMe t1_jbaw7h9 wrote
Reply to PsBattle: Cat in a cowboy hat by hconfiance
I just love this guy. So talented but also has the best meme humor of any living person on earth or that one guy in the trunk of the Tesla they launched into space! I mean; he created jokes involving 69 and 420, making numbers cool after people have been using numbers since 3000 BC. Amazing to be alive and breathe the same air.
MickeyMouseRapedMe t1_j9ib092 wrote
Reply to comment by ForgerOfTheEarth in PsBattle: Cracked floor at Home Depot by withoutlebels120
Well done!
MickeyMouseRapedMe t1_j9iaylv wrote
MickeyMouseRapedMe t1_j9i7zsh wrote
MickeyMouseRapedMe t1_j9i3q7o wrote
Reply to PsBattle: This Pueblo clown by Gobble_Me_Tators
MickeyMouseRapedMe t1_j7owjho wrote
Reply to comment by SnooChocolates4669 in PsBattle: MTG and White Balloon by amorosky
Weee, I'm finally someone! My task on this planet is done.
MickeyMouseRapedMe t1_j7ny4sn wrote
Reply to PsBattle: MTG and White Balloon by amorosky
MickeyMouseRapedMe t1_j6s90sy wrote
Reply to PsBattle: A yawning cat by ajmoTEKKENAbraco
MickeyMouseRapedMe t1_j5joa2i wrote
Reply to TIL: A 60-year-old Japanese truck driver learned that he was switched at birth after being born to a rich family, but instead grew up in poverty and raised by a single mother. by LimeSugar
This could be a movie. Then again, it most likely would be him driving for a good 70 of 90 minutes. I normally don't care that much for road movies.
Submitted by MickeyMouseRapedMe t3_zb2g5u in photoshopbattles
MickeyMouseRapedMe t1_ix7krmq wrote
Reply to TIL that the use of chimpanzees and other exotic animals in media makes the public think these animals aren't as endangered as they really are. by HyenaJack94
As a Dutch person where the most wildest specie you'd normally could encounter would probably be a stray cat, ow and we have a pack of wolves that migrated from Germany some year ago after they left (being hunted) our country over a century ago, any exotic looking anymore looks endangered to me.
I guess that for real the most dangerous animal would be a little snake, no poison...so maybe it's actually the stray cat cutting you up when they'd want to when I had to avoid one of the two when they are in attack mode. Or a bull/cow storming at you. Dunno, one of those is all I could think of now. Can't imagine having to constantly be aware of snakes above me in a tree or a shark being maybe 10 feet from me. I guess you get used at it, like on holiday it's not my mind, but checking my shoes before putting them on does make me aware of course.
Quick search and a reputable source in general, the Guardian has an article that claims; Humanity has wiped out 60% of animal populations since 1970, report finds) of species have been wiped out by human kind.
But I was thinking about an episode of Stuff You Should Know about the spread and continuing danger of invasive species (so, not just animals, but plants, bacteria etc.), pretty interesting episode for the ones not familiar with that podcast
Edit: Thought of one more 'dangerous' animal in the Netherlands, buzzard attacks Lastly, this Dutch biologist had a special relationship with some zoo-chimps, the leader of the group was an old female, named Mama and over the years I would see him and these chimps every now and then. Mama was about to pass away and that footage of him calming her made me feel real sad. Here's a bit of that, she's was 59 year old there
MickeyMouseRapedMe t1_ivgsf0b wrote
MickeyMouseRapedMe t1_irkojqg wrote
Now the other pic is gone with the guy sitting in the tank, the post right before this one. Without clowns. But anyway;I call this one "Joy and Happiness"
MickeyMouseRapedMe OP t1_je67cvi wrote
Reply to comment by avd706 in [NSFW] Never look from there to see where it was again, just feel around by MickeyMouseRapedMe
Not yet. But I wrote:
>NSFW cause Americans are sensitive. Even more today. Might be on their period.