
MikeLitoris_________ t1_j160etw wrote

>Philadelphia prosecutors moved to dismiss the murder convictions against Williams in both cases after finding tainted testimony and exculpatory evidence that had been discovered by police but never shared with defense lawyers, officials said.

I had no reason to disclose because I did not believe the evidence to be exculpatory. -ADA Jack McCoy


MikeLitoris_________ t1_ir38ik1 wrote

>It’s an increasingly common occurrence in the Antipodes Islands, where males now outnumber females 3-1. Feeding grounds north of the chain, where females typically forage, are busy industrial fishing areas and the birds get trapped and killed in nets. “As a result, the female albatross here is declining fast.”

Humanity is killing so many of these birds that they can no longer find mates. How is this uplifting?