Millie2244 t1_j0lzaba wrote
Reply to I'm a barista at a café that serves the odd and supernatural. The giant is offering alternative milk. by AHauntedBarista
Just heads up OP I know you have a lot going on and a ton of new things you’re learning and have to wait out for all at the same time right now, but remember Dequiere is gone because he bought a candle. I don’t think that the rule is there so that anyone else keeps all the wishes to themselves I think they are truly there to keep you safe. I would guess the cost of said candle is pretty steep maybe even your life or soul. Also, just because it is said it could bring him back to life it doesn’t specify what that life would be like or how he would look. Just thoughts to keep in mind! Good luck!!
Millie2244 t1_j02faym wrote
There are sounds from frequencies that most people can’t hear. She could legitimately be hearing something from the basement wall like she says and it could just be an electronic that is emitting the noise and y’all just can’t hear it and she can. It could literally be driving her crazy. Especially since she seems to not be hearing it now that y’all are not there. The fact the old owner won’t answer is suspicious to me as well why would she be ignoring your calls and not returning them unless she knows something is going on? Good luck op hang in there and don’t give up on your wife.
Millie2244 t1_izui5lm wrote
Pretty sure he is possessed OP, you need a priest at the least. I think if you’re lucky and caught it fast enough you might be able to break her tie to him if you can get him out and away from the house long enough. Good luck !
Millie2244 t1_iyrafva wrote
Oh my gosh OP! Please update us on anything else you find out. Please be careful around the people who you think are your parents and don’t let on you know anything is wrong right now so that you don’t put yourself in even more danger. I am thinking that might be your brother from your real parents possibly, but no matter who it is I’d take the info about you being in danger with them until you know more and play it safe!
Millie2244 t1_j4may4j wrote
Reply to Warnings to the wannabe cryptid hunters: The Devil wears sweatpants by girl_from_the_crypt
Try not to be too mad at Jacek for bringing your brother to the devil as asked to. No offense, but your brother was a serial killer who has no intentions is stopping it seemed and didn’t have any thought for human life. He is honestly getting what he deserves. Though I do understand it’s hard to see family that way and the need to protect them no matter what they have done is always strong . Just remember Jacek was just doing his job and to be honest I don’t think that it’s a job he could back out of or pick and chose who he decides to follow through on when it comes to what he is told to do by the devil himself. Even if he is in love with the jobs sister so try not to hold it against him too hard. Good luck OP and don’t give up on Jacek yet I think there is a lot of unresolved feelings there and potential to make a bad ass couple who compliments each other in a lot of ways and could get a lot done! I looked forward to hearing more!