
MinkDynasty t1_iu9qna3 wrote

Friendly reminder that ALL Cold-mist/Ultrasonic MUST use distilled water.

They can turn tap water particles (minerals, metals, pollutants) into tiny potential carcinogens if you're inhaling them on a daily/nightly basis.


MinkDynasty t1_iu9q1qi wrote

Reply to comment by Livesies in Please recommend humidifier. by rtwyyn

Ultrasonic / Cold-mist can also cause cancer if you aren't using distilled water in them. They will aerosolize minerals and other stuff in the tap water, and you will breathe all those teeny particles of iron, lead (hello Flint, MI), etc., right into your lungs. There is actual peer-reviewed research on it, but it's a high pain day for me so I'll let you guys find it.