
Minute_Farmer t1_j4cz2j8 wrote

The only other one I know anything about is the Bombay Phenotype, which is when you have blood cells that have no antigens on them at all. Even O- has the base receptors that all blood cells have (H antigen) but if you have Bombay Phenotype then you don't have those either. Idk what medical issues this causes but it definitely makes it extremely hard if not impossible to get blood if you need it because you would have to get blood from someone else with that rare mutation: there is no other alternative.


Minute_Farmer t1_j471vtt wrote

There are 4 main types of blood: A, B, AB, and O. Any one of these 4 types can be + or -.

On the surface of the blood cell there are proteins called antigens. The important antigens for this explanation are: A antigen, B antigen, and Rh antigen.

Someone who has A antigens on their blood cells would be type A. Someone who has type B antigens on their blood cells would be type B. If you have both A and B, you're type AB. If you have neither A or B, you have type O.

Rh antigen decides if you're + or -. If you have the Rh antigen, you're +. If you don't, you're -.

So for example, someone with only B antigen and no others would be B-. Someone with A,B, and Rh antigen would be AB+.

The reason it's important to know this is because your body recognizes your cells by recognizing the cell surface antigens on your cells. If a foreign cell surface antigen is detected, your body will attack that cell. So for example, if you have A- blood, you can only recieve a blood donation of O- or A- blood. You can get O- because there's no antigens for your body to recognize as foreign (no B or Rh). In contrast, someone with AB+ blood can receive blood from any blood type, but someone with O- can only receive O-, despite being a universal donor (anyone can receive O- blood.)


Minute_Farmer t1_iyd554i wrote

You're not going to get arrested if that's what you're worried about. It probably wouldn't be that bad, but still, you should absolutely not do that just in case it does affect the results. If you're anxious about getting an MRI, don't smoke weed about it. Ask the doctor or nurse for an anti-anxiety medicine before you go in