
MisanthropicFriend t1_j6z48km wrote

Hooray for foot traffic! I have explored from shore to shore in this town, and I agree with you. Downtown is quiet most the day, even during the weekends.

I haven’t understood all the negative things I hear people have with exploring the city. I’ve had people tell me; don’t go to the south side, best to stay off the north shore, oh you’ll get killed downtown, you’ll get hit with a bullet on the west end, don’t get murdered in insert area here followed by absolute disgust and disbelief when I tell them that I have walked and explored a majority of this cities neighborhoods.

I was only threatened once in uptown, and tbh I was completely lost and probably looked shady.

I hear the same types of disgust when I mention that I use public transportation too. I don’t understand this mentality, what is wrong with public transportation? For a small city, it is decent and usually really clean.


MisanthropicFriend t1_j6kaigz wrote

I paid $450 for one month of electric in a small small apartment that was only 62 degrees for a month before it got cold cold. I was barely in the apartment, worked full time, had all the windows sealed, blankets and drapes covering places where the wall was cold, and a cheaper space heater that ran a lower BTU with low voltage draw. I tested the fusebox, got the meter checked, and yeah. It was just that expensive.


MisanthropicFriend t1_j1okrf8 wrote

I had a great day alone. I slept in, drank too much coffee, watched tv, played Mario kart, created some music, cleaned, danced a little, stood over the heater a lot, ate my Saint raviolis raviolis, and now waiting on dominos in a blanket fort.


MisanthropicFriend t1_j1k0am9 wrote

This is my first Christmas alone as well. I’m just going to play Mario kart, watch movies, eat food, and sit around. It feels kind of comfortable not having any obligations whatsoever. If you or anyone else reading this needs a virtual friend, feel free to send me a message.