
Mission_Phrase_5133 t1_jdy3nr9 wrote

https://sos.vermont.gov/media/y4wfu1lu/mead1912.pdf full text here folks. In case you are unfamiliar with the concept of a search engine, you use your internet browser to go to a website such as www.google.com, www.yahoo.com, or if you're feeling nostalgic, www.askjeeves.com. You then enter keywords such as "Vermont" "John Mead" and "1912 address" to find information you are looking for out on the good ol' world wide web.


Mission_Phrase_5133 t1_jdy3fxm wrote

Well, the article says exactly what Jim Douglas told the Bennington Banner, so yeah, reading the article would have given you the impression that this was no biggie, bruh. Have you read the full address though? https://sos.vermont.gov/media/y4wfu1lu/mead1912.pdf

"The heads of our criminal institutions tell us that among the inmates there is always a considerable class that are termed “degenerates” or “defectives,” by which is meant a class of individuals in whose mental or nervous construction there is something lacking. Alienists, criminalogists and physicians tell us that individuals of this unfortunate class tend to marry those cursed with similar defects, and that this class is increasing out of all proportion to the normal growth of the population, and that most of the insane, the epileptics, the imbeciles, the idiots, the sexual perverts, together with many of the confirmed inebriates, prostitutes, tramps and criminals that fill our penitentiaries, jails, asylums and poor farms are the results of these intermarriages or the natural offspring of defective parents. In the cases of these unfortunates there is little or no hope of permanent recovery, and the great question that is now being considered by the lawmakers in many of our states is how best to restrain this defective class and how best to restrict the propagation of defective children."

Mead decides that "segregation of defectives" would be too drastic a method because, in his exact words, it might "result in life-imprisonment of unfortunates" who "might, in some small way, be of some use in the world."

He proposes the more, um, humanitarian (?) options of forcible vasectomies for people with "hereditary taints and diseases" and also legislature restricting marriage licenses for people convicted of certain crimes as well as people with various physical and mental health conditions.


Mission_Phrase_5133 t1_j66sqbw wrote


yeah these do look shitty. as I said TBH i will probably do better on this after seeing this post. I've been driving here for a long time (decades) and this is never something that has bothered me from other drivers. But TIL that this makes some people as angry as the new burn-your-eyeballs blue headlights make me.


Mission_Phrase_5133 t1_j606j5u wrote

If it's truly endangering someone's life they are probably driving too close. I've never been irritated at other people having snow on their cars. I really had no idea until i saw this post that anyone else ever even thought about it. TBH i will probably do a better job scraping snow off next time now that I know people are apparently judging me about it... truly had no idea. But anything I can do to reduce others' road rage directed toward me, I will. ppl are nuts.


Mission_Phrase_5133 t1_j46vyws wrote

I was ranting to myself in my car about this very thing the other night driving along on dark roads in Monkton and being repeatedly blinded coming around corners. What the heck, people?


Mission_Phrase_5133 t1_ivbua98 wrote

I get how that could be frustrating, but without buying the land yourself, I don't think it's reasonable to expect other people will not build homes on land you don't own and that isn't protected in some way as a state/national forest or something like that, as long as it is zoned for residential use at that density. People need places to live, and we don't have enough of them.