
Mmnn2020 t1_j1n8gz9 wrote

It is, you’re right. But this study isn’t supposed to address all outcomes, so it’s stupid to complain about it. Just like studies relating BMI to physical health usually don’t incorporate the mental health impact into their analysis. Because it wasn’t in scope for the study.

If this was a dissertation on all health affects of BMI and it didn’t contain information on the physical aspects that would be an issue. But it isn’t, and the people complaining about it are making an issue out of nothing.


Mmnn2020 t1_j1n1w8z wrote

No they didn’t conveniently leave anything out. The study wasn’t meant to answer every direct/indirect health related outcome of BMI.

Studies should be viewed independently, and collectively we can form broader conclusions. But it is fine for a study to only look at behavioral health affects of obesity, it doesn’t need to do the obligatory physical affects to make it valid.
