Mo0kish t1_je0mrzv wrote
"Righty tighty, lefty loosy" from my dad, and I find myself saying the same thing to my kids.
Never actually come across any left-handed screws, so it's held true so far.
Mo0kish t1_jd54pl5 wrote
Reply to The automotive alignment computer in the shop I work at, runs Windows Vista OS by Railman20
Windows "If it ain't broke, don't fix it" Vista edition.
Mo0kish t1_jaca0zt wrote
A narcissistic, petty, wildly mercurial billionaire decides to create an AI in his image. What could possibly go wrong?
I guess there's no viable companies for him to buy his way into as CEO now that he's just a poor, regular billionaire.
Mo0kish t1_jac7r7x wrote
I'm glad you liked it. I love the puzzles and atmosphere, but I didn't like the whole reactionary red ring thing at all. Especially with how janky the camera can be against multiple enemies.
Mo0kish t1_iy98c1p wrote
Those are the poisonous ones.
1/100000 chance of surviving one.
Mo0kish t1_iujql5z wrote
Reply to If you’re not doing this, why even bother. by Kellster
Because we generally have 150+ kids, and not every one of them likes chocolate.
You need to step up your game.
Mo0kish t1_iufsxx4 wrote
Oh no!
Why, this completely negates the mutltitude of pictures of Trump and Epstein!
Whatever will the anti-trumpers do now?
Mo0kish t1_iufsl5a wrote
Reply to [homemade] smokie on rye bread with ketchup by fakeryz
Why is there an imprint of male genitalia on your bread.
What aren't you telling us about this?
Mo0kish t1_jea18vt wrote
Reply to These two had way too much fun dressing up and posing by EndersGame_Reviewer
Uh, is she going to stab the rabbit or me?