
MonkEfficient4237 t1_jc45udz wrote

The movie would have certainly been less entertaining if it wasn't for the universe of the mind which it is way more vast than the real world. Most probably the infinite of the mind can't be real infinite but it sure is much more "infinite" than the actual real world "infinite". The absurdity of extremes is entertaining to delve jump into, as it is often draws some limits to truths.

But why not to have a mind that branches in terms of the probabilities created by the older mind?(the older you is creating the future you, it is not only the nature or physics) There could be a thousand or a million of choices, but they will all need to respect the past and the continuity of certain "laws" of our universe. So, i would say there are definitely never only "two" choices, but just a forever changing hierarchy of choices.


MonkEfficient4237 t1_iv9rzba wrote

Science works having at the base of its foundation moral principles and also creates moral outcomes, and also helps in revealing a better moral system for humans, so it is very hard for someone to say that morality has little to do with it like you are saying. The "yes but it is not being perfect" as an argument has little to no value in most discussions, at least to me, as it is already an abstract unachievable thing in the first place.


MonkEfficient4237 t1_it6se6r wrote

Eastern EU. Religion is in decline here, but indeed in a slow pace but the countless problems with the hypocrisy of religious people that preach is erroding the trust they have in this institution. It is now just a matter of change of a generation. But nevermind, think about the north EU countries where is a high level of well being and they are all very technologized. If you think about it the industrial revolution was the beginning of the fall of religion,and it is not hard to see that the better they are as a society, the more secular they are.