
MoosesAndMeese t1_iuh1lka wrote

It's true. Over half of Americans avoid their regular doctor visits because of cost, which only makes it worse because they end up waiting until the issue has already manifested, thus driving the cost higher.

In addition, somewhere between a quarter and a third of America's total healthcare costs don't even go towards healthcare. It's all the bloat and complication that private insurance companies cause, just the natural effect of adding extra unnecessary middlemen who want their own profits.

Medicare for all isn't expensive. It would reduce total costs for everyone and shift the cost from average people into taxes, and all we would need is a functioning tax system that ultra rich people can't dodge with legal money laundering.


MoosesAndMeese t1_iugw706 wrote

2/10 unoriginal line. Obviously you don't have any original thoughts of your own.

If you don't like crime, why don't you become a criminal yourself and show all these bad criminals how to be good criminals?

See how stupid you sound? Smartest bootlicker one can possibly find in the wild right here
