MrFancyPanzer t1_ixzk9rx wrote
Reply to comment by hipery2 in Zelensky and the Prime Minister of Belgium sign declaration of support for Ukraine’s membership to the EU and NATO by TheRealMykola
Mark Milley.
MrFancyPanzer t1_ixxchwg wrote
Reply to comment by xanderman524 in Zelensky and the Prime Minister of Belgium sign declaration of support for Ukraine’s membership to the EU and NATO by TheRealMykola
Even military experts think trying to take Crimea would stretch them too thin. I wish they could take all their land back, but the direction of the war is far from determined.
MrFancyPanzer t1_ixx4dj7 wrote
Reply to comment by flaccidcolon in Zelensky and the Prime Minister of Belgium sign declaration of support for Ukraine’s membership to the EU and NATO by TheRealMykola
Considering Crimea will probably be occupied for the foreseeable future i think the NATO membership think will probably be used as a bargaining chip in peace talks.
MrFancyPanzer t1_ixlgeew wrote
Reply to comment by sethonomics in Comment your best pick up line and let people rate it by Jakeywolf666
Unfortunately it works better if it's a lady using the line on a dude.
MrFancyPanzer t1_ixlazm2 wrote
Reply to comment by sethonomics in Comment your best pick up line and let people rate it by Jakeywolf666
I came up with it in the shower and just kept laughing the entire time. I'm actually kind of proud of it.
MrFancyPanzer t1_ixlaenk wrote
Reply to comment by Jakeywolf666 in Comment your best pick up line and let people rate it by Jakeywolf666
It's a tank pun, a 76mm shell penetrating the armor of a German panzer.
MrFancyPanzer t1_ixl9rj6 wrote
Hey baby, is that a 76mm shell in your pocket? Cause you can get into my panzers.
MrFancyPanzer t1_iwoidc9 wrote
Reply to comment by itsyaboijeff1000 in Man spotted with weapons at University Mall purchased them there, police say by DatsunL6
I remember a story of a black guy who was shot for holding a BB gun in the store where it was for sale. Pretty much just executed him without warning.
MrFancyPanzer t1_ixzqkha wrote
Reply to comment by hipery2 in Zelensky and the Prime Minister of Belgium sign declaration of support for Ukraine’s membership to the EU and NATO by TheRealMykola
Yes, i didn't say we shouldn't support Ukraine.