No shit. Police exist to serve the state and control its citizens. They themselves like to claim they serve the public but they always end up abusing the powers granted to them. Police everywhere love to beat up protesters, especially if they are left-wing protesters.
I used to help passangers through customs at my old airport job. Some people knew they weren't allowed to bring certain items and would lie about it, only to be caught when their bags went through the xray. I always hated those people because I'd have to wait up to an hour while they were questioned by customs agents before I could take them to their family/outgoing flight.
Mrxcman92 t1_je47zew wrote
Reply to Police using ‘excessive force’ at France protests, rights groups say by rein_deer7
No shit. Police exist to serve the state and control its citizens. They themselves like to claim they serve the public but they always end up abusing the powers granted to them. Police everywhere love to beat up protesters, especially if they are left-wing protesters.