
Much_Schedule_9431 t1_j9sog64 wrote

Okay so based on the article the “good news” is that the second patient is the father of patient zero that passed away meaning they were in close proximity to each other and not some rando from across town. Additionally the outbreak is in a “village” which hopefully limits its potential pathways to spread beyond. Finally the local health authorities as well as the WHO are aware of it. Here’s hoping the 2020s finally catches a break.


Much_Schedule_9431 t1_j9pp9rd wrote

Yeah except this time there are no Luftwaffe planes flying over London and the only damage being done to the UK’s economy, prestige, and people is from the after effects of the very much self-inflicted Brexit (known ex ante btw) and the price gauging by the fossil lobby. Lol. Edit: also as an outsider it never ceases to amaze me the amount of times your parliamentary debate begins with verbatim: “mr. speaker under the previous labour government.” When it’s been 1 big fucking (Tory) party running the show for the last 13 years. Lololol.