
MuteStarNeet t1_ixmgcdr wrote

Really does

Im closer to my mom than my dad because he caused my family so much drama...not even close to my sisters either so much so i don't have any connection to them because they were almost never in my life. only my mom has really been there for me, the other day i had this realization. when my mom goes will i live in regret because the missed conversations, missed jokes and overall moments. Wondering did i do enough?

we think we have all the time in the world and do to an extent but one day that will end

I got my first pet/cat last year and it really put this idea into overdrive after realising their life span. Its a black cat and when i see something in the corner of my eye i think i see the cat but its some random stuff that looked like it. Having thoughts of entropy when the cat meets their end long after, i might think i see it when it's not there and its going to hurt even now i zone out so deeply i feel it now.

same thing probably applies for our loved ones, i was home alone and I thought my mom was sitting watching tv but she was at work and remembered entropy is a thing

The life tip OP wrote is great but it applies to more the just fathers depending on the circumstances