
NashvilleHot t1_iudp6cp wrote

Ok, what are the plans to combat crime from your preferred candidates? Spend more on police? (The NYPD budget is higher than ever, with poor results and zero accountability) Bring back cash bail? (Ok, so more poor people get locked up, even the ones that are innocent, and then their lives are destroyed, which is bad for the economy now and in the future, and the ones that are criminals become more ingrained in crime by being in jail around hardened criminals… that’s great for reducing crime)

What else? Stop and frisk? Cost a lot, didn’t do much if anything back in the 2000s, and caused widespread community distrust, which hurts crime clearance rates if people don’t trust the cops enough to share info.

Any other ideas? Or do we just stay afraid and vote for candidates that want to capitalize on fear for their own power and greed? Granted the current Gov’s boondoggle up in Buffalo sucks, but at least she’s not campaigning on taking away rights.