
t1_j8nhx13 wrote

>but will this still be a problem after a few years of successful clean hydrogen?

We're still many years away from even being able to see the levels of hydrogen deployment that the large investor-owned utilities and fossil-fuel companies and industries are bragging about and hedging their carbon reduction goals on. And they're counting on that fact to be able to continue to kick the can down the road with existing fossil-fuel infrastructure, because it means they can keep their existing systems in place and make their stockholders more money by avoiding having to spend anything on capital improvement projects.


t1_j8kiffz wrote

Translation: the large utilities and oil companies see pushing a Hydrogen narrative as a great way to delay having to actually cut back on their natural gas infrastructure.

In all honesty, it's a red herring.

EDIT: bring on the downvotes. I work in this arena and this is something that's been discussed at length in more than a few places.