
NeonsStyle t1_je7ve9o wrote

Pandering to religous nutjobs leads you to a type of law like Sharia law, where dogma defines what is legal! This is a return to the dark ages where the church ruled! Covering up Art, even as a joke is pandering to these bastards!


NeonsStyle t1_iy2w3eh wrote

If it were navigation caneras it wouldn't be taking hi res images of the moon surface. The goals of Artemis is to.put nan on the moon permanently. You need water for that. It's known in the polar craters in permanent shadow have water ice in them. This is why it's such high contras.


NeonsStyle t1_iutz49v wrote

Credit Cards are suicide. Just don't get one! If you adopt the mindset, that if you can't pay for it today, you can't afford it, then take 10% of your pay, and have it automatically moved into a savings account. You'll turn into a Saver vs a Spender. You'll build wealth rather than Debt! Just adopt that single idea! "If I can't pay for it in cash, then I can't afford it!" By the time you're 50 you'll thank me a million times over!
